Year One at William Jewell

Well folks, year one at William Jewell College is in the books. It's hard to believe I've already been here for twelve months, but it also feels like I've been here forever. I'm glad to have this first year under my belt - hopefully it means less curveballs to come. It's been fun getting to know my new community and I can't wait to see what year two has in store. Here are a few of my favorite images from the last 365 days:

Here's to year two!

WJC Men's Basketball at UMKC

Something I enjoy: going to UMKC Roos games at Municipal Auditorium in downtown Kansas City on the weekends.

Something I love: getting to photograph the school I work for's basketball team play at UMKC.

The WJC Cardinals took on the Roos this past weekend and I had a blast shooting at Municipal for the first time. I'm familiar with the space as a fan, so it was cool to be able to photograph there. Not only that, but UMKC was wearing special uniforms designed by Charlie Hustle for "Kansas City Day" that were incredible. Here are a few of my favorite shots.

NCAA DII Women's Soccer Tournament

Y'all. Women's soccer is intense. I knew how physical and competitive it could be from my experiences shooting FCKC, but the NCAA Division II teams I watched last week were INSANE. Pushing, tugging, tackling, you name it. I've never seen anything quite like it in women's sports. I loved it.

I had the opportunity to photograph the NCAA Division II Women's Soccer Tournament Semifinals and Championship matches (thanks, Kit). It was really cold and really fun and I can't wait until they're back next year. Here are some of my favorite images from the tournament.